Solana Skullies

Animated Tokens on $SOL

  • Discord
  • Twitter
  • Magic Eden
  • SolSea

Unique at its core

Trillions of combinations! means your Skullie is a 1 of 1


Meet our community

Memes and fanart competition


Launch Details/ Specifics

Series 1: PNGs

Available Marketplaces:
Magic Eden, SolSea
Royalty: 3.5%
Mint Status: Complete

Animated Tokens | Update

The highly anticipated animated token drop has been
indefinitely suspended due to technical difficulties

Thank you for your understanding
Please contact [email protected] for any customer support

Our Roadmap

The Beginning

Asking ourselves, how can we innovate in the Solana space? By bringing beautiful artistry from similar projects on the Etherium network to Solana.

The first steps involved cataloguing art styles, past NFT projects and deciding on an art theme.

The "Back-End"

Then we went about creating the infrastructure for a website that can expect a heavy load. We are using custom RPCs to ensure mint transactions are not rate limited.

Finally, we had to forge the tools and resources to be able to upload and launch a large collection of GIFs.

The "Front-End"

Involved establishing a online presence through Twitter, Instagram, Discord and Sol Project discovery channels.

As well as producing a coherent website that is the face of our project.

Check out our exclusive Series 1 Collection


**Illustrations of prototypes only - Actual product may vary**

Share your Skullie Creations on Snap!
